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I have been very touched lately by the support given by friends, family, acquaintances, and people I don't even know that are in various writing groups and pages I am involved with. I'm not sure if these people who have pledged to attend the launch and buy my book have even read the excerpt I have up on my website, but I sure hope so. While blind faith is wonderful, it would be nice to know that my story is intriguing as well.

I have been wetting the appetite of my editor with small hints into chapters of the next books and she is eager to read them. With any luck I can break even on this book (my first goal, since it is rare to do that apparently) and then get far enough ahead to fund the next one. I really believe it is a good series - my characters are solid, their journeys agonizing, and either way their tales must be told.

Saying this, I am also hopeful that my readership likes the evolution of the series. Like the series title, this follows the evolution of several peoples lives, beginning at defeat and despair, travelling into hope, exploring legacy and then love. All are thrillers, but the subgenre (if I can call it that) changes from more of a science fiction/futuristic feel to one of romance near the end. It has to evolve. Life evolves. The characters evolve. Yes, there is still a fair amount of increasing violence (people who like G.O.T will love the war scene near the end of the second book I think). Again, this is the evolution of life, after all.

In closing, thank you again for all the support I have received. It means the world to me to have such a wonderful support system.

A friend found this fantastic article that should be read by all writers.

I never really thought about the divide between protagonist and main character. However, after having looked back at some of my books, there is definitely that separation with a few of them.



It is amazing to me how time passes, apparently so quickly sometimes. I can't believe that we are over half way through August already. Before I know it my oldest will be back in school, and time will pass even quicker. Halloween will be here, then Christmas, Valentine's and then wrap up ballet recitals and school plays. My favorite sitcoms will end, the snow will finally cease and before I know it, I will be back here, saying these words once again in another year. 

I wish I could slow time down. 

But in the end we all have to live our lives. We can't avoid doing things just to make time run slower, we can't will more time to exist. And so I am just going to try to do what I can to enjoy the fleeting moments as I can right now. 

I will try to remember when my little guy is yelling incoherent babble at me that soon enough he will be a young man playing sports and eyeing up love interests. I will try to remember that my daughter is very quickly (way too rapidly) blossoming from a little girl into a teenager. I will try to recall that day I said "I do" nine years ago and embrace the fact that my husband and I are still young, and can still literally do anything we want to. 
A little morbid, these thoughts of time fleeting. 

i have received the first draft of the cover design and boy is it ever beautiful! I cannot express the excitement that is mounting as I see my name typed on a book cover. It is becomming very real that in one short month I will have my own novel printed and in hand. There have been a few delays but thankfully those have been sorting out themselves. 

I still plan to have the printed copies by the middle of September and barring any printing delays or massive errors when the proof copy comes in, we should be able to stick on schedule.